Introducing Tippi!

On January 19th, the night we brought Cooper’s ashes home,
I looked at the adoptable animals page on the San Diego Humane Society site and saw a little green budgie who needed a new home. Emmy was now an only budgie and Sido (our cockatiel) was not open to being her new friend. We knew that Emmy would need a companion.

The next day we went to pick her up. She had been found outdoors and was brought in by a good Samaritan. She was very thin when she was brought in, so she received vet care at the shelter. Ten days later she was put up for adoption as no one had claimed her.
In her photo she looked older, but when we brought her home we saw she had some faint baby bars. Tippi wasn’t tame, but it didn’t take long for her to step up.

Sadly, Emmy passed away (tumor) before Tippi’s quarantine was over. I’m sure they would have been great friends.

We noticed that Tippi was a little splay legged, so we took her to our own avian vet for a checkup and to have her band removed. She received a clean bill of health, and her legs have improved with time.

Tippi has been with us 6 months now and she is a darling. I like to think that Cooper sent her to us. I don’t know that Tippi will be a “poser”, but it will be fun sharing her photos with you.