Marvin tries a grape. Yum!
Category Archives: Marvin
Marvin Mangia! 5
Marvin eats!
Marvin tries a snap pea.
(and has a little oopsie)
Marvin Mangia 3
Marvin eats!
Marvin tries a carrot. Yum!
Marvin Monday
Marvin Mangia 2
Marvin eats!
Marvin tries a kiwi. Yum!
Marvin Monday
Summer Songs
Marvin Mangia
Marvin eats!
Marvin tries broccoli. Yum!
Tippi Tuesday

On June 24th, someone on our neighborhood Facebook page posted that they found a budgie in their backyard, hoping to find its owner. I commented that we could take him in until the owner was found, as we have extra cages, bird toys and plenty of food.
The next day the woman who found him dropped him off. He was just a baby! He was starving, and his keel bone was very pronounced. He wolfed down some seed and promptly fell asleep.

We put the little guy in a quiet room (quarantine) and monitored him in case he needed a trip to the vet. He rallied pretty quickly. At first I thought he was tame because he was so easy to handle. But I think it was the heat, and the lack of food that made him so docile. The next day it was clear that he wasn’t tame at all. And he was a bit of a biter. So we started working on building trust and stepping up.

No one ever searched for him on our neighborhood pet pages or at the shelters. We think someone either let him out (maybe because of the biting?), or didn’t bother to look for him when he escaped. So now Tippi has a little friend.

Marvin has since finished his quarantine period and is in the bird room with Tippi and Sido. He is stepping up in the cage, but we still need to work on stepping up out of the cage. The biting is no longer an issue (knock wood).
This little budgie is a cutie, quite a singer and very playful. Welcome home Marvin!