Balsa Budgies

The budgies are all moulting. Sunny lost both her tail feathers. So we are grumpy and out of sorts. Some millet and some balsa munching seemed just the thing to lift some spirits (the boys had balsa, too).
*Of course, everybudgie needs their own.


Found on Birbies on facebook (d a n c e


In mid-July we noticed that Harvey was feeling out of sorts. He had started to vomit, so we took him in to our vet. The vet suspected avian gastric yeast. He was given meds and we put him in quarantine. When he failed to improve, we took him back to the vet. He stayed at the vet’s office for two days and nights and was given different meds. We brought him home again, and he seemed to be improving a bit. He even put on a tiny bit of weight. On July 28th, Harry gave him his meds in the morning. When I checked on him later he had passed away.Harvey was our little “wild one”. We found him on Craigslist, where he had been living in a less than ideal environment. He was not tame, and was fearful of our hands. We did not notice he was was missing part of his lower beak until we brought him home. Harvey didn’t show any interest in toys and did not want to eat fruit, veggies or even millet (!).
It took a very long time to get Harvey to step up. But patience won out and it was a happy day when he did. I was still working on giving his little belly a kiss at bedtime. I did make contact a few times – we were almost there.
Harvey and the boys were great friends. He also loved the ladies. We called him “our little hormone”. He bonded with Lera and took great care of her. When she passed, he took up with Cooper. And Sunny. And he tried with Emmy (who belongs to Ozzie, and so was off limits). Harvey enjoyed his baths, and finally came around to eating his veggies. (and his millet). He was very vocal and would sing and chatter to his flock at bedtime. I’m going to miss his little voice. I still can’t believe he’s gone. Life will never be the same without our little yellow and blue budgie.