Adopt a Rescued Bird Month

Ozzie, Alfie and Sido were all adopted from our local rescues and Sunny, Emmy, Gordie, Lera, Felix and Harvey are all rehomed (Craigslist). They have brought so much joy and love into our lives.
If you are thinking of adding a bird to your family, please consider adopting. These birds have so much to give and deserve a second chance at a loving, forever home.

In the Spotlight – Emmy

Emmy – the baby.

Emmy has really been widening her horizons this year. Lately, the budgie I find on my shoulder isn’t Cooper, but Emmy! What a brave little budgie she is becoming.

Emmy is the most playful of the flock. She can be very loud. If it’s time for seeds or mash, you will know by her chirps. She will also call out to Sido if Sido is in the living room.
Emmy enjoys: being with Ozzie, making a mess with her mash and taking naps on the platform perch. She is the softest, fluffiest little pookie and puts up with constant kisses.

Balsa Budgies

The budgies are all moulting. Sunny lost both her tail feathers. So we are grumpy and out of sorts. Some millet and some balsa munching seemed just the thing to lift some spirits (the boys had balsa, too).
*Of course, everybudgie needs their own.