Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Sonnet!1779822_10152009259892613_1112856329_nSonnet lives in Arizona with my niece Solera.1620753_10151990532622613_1098480344_nSonnet became a member of the Aerial Poet’s Society on February 15th, 2014.1907577_10151990532877613_2122847239_nShe enjoys staying out of the sun, taking naps in sweatshirt hoods and pockets, and pulling the string out of the bird-park rope.1958051_10151990532692613_1644998519_n

She is anxiously awaiting the regrowth of her wing feathers and spends a lot of time clinging to perches and flapping madly like some kind of landlocked bird-o-plane.1958100_10152012193497613_437448911_n

Cooper’s Book Report

This month’s book is Pete the Parakeet by Sharon Gordon.p1Pete is a happy parakeet. He has a swing and a bell and a cage that looks like a blimp. But suddenly Pete disappears. Where could he be?p2It turns out Pete was bringing his friend (a cat!) over to play at his house. Cooper thought this was a cute little book, but does not recommend that her budgie friends play with cats.