I Am Happy, I Am Loved…

Comic strip by Jenny Jinya.

This is the sad reality for many pet birds. If you want to add a budgie to your family,  do your research.
First, consider adopting. If your budgie will be spending most of its day alone, bring home two. Budgies are flock animals and need a friend. Budgies are noisy. Budgies are messy. Despite being inexpensive to buy, a budgie’s vet bills can be very expensive. Budgies require fresh food, which can be costly and take time to prepare. Some budgies require a lot of time and patience to tame. Budgies need stimulation – this means new toys (ours go through them quickly). Budgies need large, spacious cages. Budgies are a commitment, not a passing fancy. Please keep your budgie happy and loved.


From the artist:


Five African Parrots had to be removed from public view and split up after they started swearing just after being donated to the Lincolnshire Wildlife Park in eastern England.

Billy, Elsie, Eric, Jade and Tyson were given to the park by five different owners in the same week. Before being put on display they were quarantined together.

“They literally, within a very short period of time, starting swearing at each other,” chief executive Steve Nichols said. “‘F**k off’ is the most common one. I get called a fat t**t every time I walk past,” Nichols complained.

Because the swearing caused laughter from the staff, the parrots started laughing after swearing. The obscenities amused the park’s visitors, but due to concern for the younger patrons, it was decided to take the parrots off exhibit.

“We put them in an off-shore enclosure with the intention that hopefully they will start learning the other parrot’s noise that are around,” said Nichols.

You can read more here.

Cooper’s Book Report

This month’s book is Henny the Parakeet by Annette M. Spector, in collaboration with David E. Greenberg.

Henny the parakeet is the best birthday present an 8 year old can ask for. He learns to talk, eats dinner with his family and is very popular in his apartment building. Henny even goes to school to take part in Show in Tell.
But one day, Henny accidentally flies out a window. His family is devastated and searches for him every day – even offering a reward. Will Henny make his way home to his worried family?

Cooper loved that Henny’s family treasured him and knew what a special budgie he was. She thought the message, “Never give up hope” is an important one. Especially when it comes to lost or sick pets. Cooper loves a happy ending and was so happy that Henny was found and reunited with his loving family.