Fashion Face Off

results grey

Better luck next time, Naomi.

How many??

How many jellybeans are in Cooper’s egg?jbeansThe first person to guess correctly (or the closest guess without going over) in the comment section (or on Cooper’s facebook page) wins this cute little egg cup by  Catherine Summers.prizeOne guess per person, please. The contest ends tomorrow (Saturday) at midnight.
Good luck!!

Fashion Face-Off!


Game Time!

Three of our flock look a lot alike. Can you tell them apart?11. Cooper, Gordie or Ozzie?

22. Cooper, Gordie or Ozzie?

33. Cooper, Gordie or Ozzie?

44. Cooper, Gordie or Ozzie?

55. Cooper, Gordie or Ozzie?

66. Cooper, Gordie or Ozzie?

77. Cooper, Gordie or Ozzie?

88. Cooper, Gordie or Ozzie?

99. Cooper, Gordie or Ozzie?

1010. Cooper, Gordie or Ozzie?

1111. Cooper, Gordie or Ozzie?

1212. Cooper, Gordie or Ozzie?

3Cooper 4,5,9,12       Gordie 2, 8, 10, 11         Ozzie 1, 3, 6, 7
Cooper has a light blue cere and is our only budgie with a band on her leg.
Gordie has larger throat spots than Ozzie. And not that you can see, but Ozzie has a little white patch on the back of his head.