Birthday Budgie

Look who’s 3(ish)!lbday16Here’s Lera taking apart her present.lertoyAnd it wouldn’t be a birthday without millet.lmillLera has had a tough year. Her abdomen fills up with fluid, so she’s had lots of visits to the vet to have withdrawals. But Lera is scrappy and a little firecracker. We’re hoping to celebrate many more birthdays with her. Happy birthday Lera – we love you!


730 days of Lera

Two years ago, we brought home little Lera.

201414She’s the tiniest of the flock, but no one messes with Lera.

201515Lera had a rough 2015. She’s been to the vet a few times. Once for a scary bulge (it turned out to be fluid). Her beak overgrows, so she needs the occasional trim. Her symptoms seem to indicate liver problems. So she gets lots of veggies and gets two drops of milk thistle (non-alcoholic, of course) a day. Lera is a miracle budgie. She’s a fighter and always bounces back. Keep it up Lera!

2016l16Lera loves to hang out in Sido’s food bowl and chew on anything (got to work that beak). She is obsessed with the container I keep the bird covers in. She doesn’t like baths (she did at one time), but will sometimes take a dip in the water bowls. She spends a lot of time fending of the advances of Felix (who is her shadow), but she will let him feed her. Only Harvey is allowed to groom her.

Lera is our scrappy little spitfire. We adore her. Happy anniversary Lera – we love you!