Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Bullet!heartBullet lives with Des in Florida. You can see more of Bullet’s photos on Des’s Deviant Art page.bellBullet likes her spinny bells. She likes to get in between them.  She also has jacks she throws and balls she pushes around.  She’s very aggressive with her toys and likes to fight with them.babybulletI raised Bullet from a baby and took one photo everyday of her life for about 25 days to log her growth. I had no idea that was having an effect on her. The effect was she LOVES my camera and is very jealous and protective of it.cameraShe doesn’t like me taking pics of other birds or things. She does everything she can to be in front of the camera.  I was taking pics of the Halloween decor next to her cage and she jumped on me and bit me.  So funny as she wanted pics of her only. halloweenShe’s a white lacewing not an albino. You can see the tan markings on her wings, beard and tail in some photos.  She’s very feisty and a high maintenance budgie. But I love her and she’s a lot of fun. There are some videos of her on you YouTube too.  My name there is Thagirion9.b1

Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Robin!r2Robin lives in Virginia with Alexa.r1 Robin was an escapee who was rescued by a new family in a city park.  He was scared and tired when he first came home, trying to hide in a cardboard box for the car ride. Here he is exploring the car when we first found him – gotta have the first day picture!r3 He’s a playful chatterbox. He hasn’t learned any words, but he does love to sing and play. He’s gotten a bit more comfortable with my hand in the cage. He won’t step up yet, but he does let me slowly move my finger toward him and pet his tail or his belly 🙂 He also doesn’t mind me touching his feet, so stepping up may be just around the corner. r4Since he won’t come out of the cage yet, I move his home around so he can sit with me in different areas while I’m working in different areas of the house. Hence he is on a chair in this picture.

His favorite tricks are chasing his tail and doing somersaults around his perch.f1He now has two little birdie friends, Nymeria and Arya the finches. They don’t usually live in the same room, but sometimes they see each other and have chirping conversations  : ).r5He loves going outside when the weather is nice! He chirps away and watches the outdoor birds.

He also loves a good preening session, and his grapevine perch!

Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Bert and Ernie!beBert and Ernie live in Minnesota with Karon.be9At the window, their favorite spot to sit and these cute little faces greet me everyday when I get home from work. be7Ernie sitting by the door in the morning, he is always the first one out of the cage.Wedding PhotographyBert by the bells-his favorite napping spot. be2Preening on the top of the cage after our Sunday bath, just to make sure the feathers go everywhere!  Wedding PhotographyErnie chewing the shoelace on the cage, for a boy he loves to chew on things! be6These two would be lost without each other! They make me laugh everyday and for as messy as they are, they give us 10 times the joy.be3be4

Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Celeste and Cyan!cc Named after two shades of blue, these little cuties live in Central Louisiana, United States, with Kamryn and her family.cc1Celeste and Cyan are two spontaneous parakeets, about 6-7 months old. Too young to tell their exact gender, everyone just assumes Cyan is male and Celeste is female.They have only lived with Kamryn and her family for a few weeks, but are extremely friendly and love to perch on anyone and everyone’s head and shoulders. They then proceed to poop on them. House training is a work in progress.

Sadly their wings have to stay clipped because of the size of the house, but they love to flutter around. Especially in front of the window when Milo (their kitty sister that also likes to perch) is locked outside.cc2Their favorite thing to do is perch on Kamryn’s shoulder, snuggle up to her neck, and very loudly “kiss” right by her ear while she is trying to watch a movie.unnamedSometimes Kamryn will take photos of that and add captions, or doodles to them.
Their favorite snack is millet, and the container their vegetables are in.

They have a play gym but all they do is sit next to each other and chirp, like they do everywhere else. Unless the swing is involved. Swings before love.

Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Sonnet!1779822_10152009259892613_1112856329_nSonnet lives in Arizona with my niece Solera.1620753_10151990532622613_1098480344_nSonnet became a member of the Aerial Poet’s Society on February 15th, 2014.1907577_10151990532877613_2122847239_nShe enjoys staying out of the sun, taking naps in sweatshirt hoods and pockets, and pulling the string out of the bird-park rope.1958051_10151990532692613_1644998519_n

She is anxiously awaiting the regrowth of her wing feathers and spends a lot of time clinging to perches and flapping madly like some kind of landlocked bird-o-plane.1958100_10152012193497613_437448911_n

Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Bubba!DSC_5255_zps990a6948Bubba lives with Andrea.DSC_5372_zpsfb2cc801I’m a sleek, twitchy and spoiled bird, my favorite food is millet and for 2 months after coming home I refused to eat anything else. Then I got a friend! A little green and yellow guy came to live with me and I became so happy!!! I made silly chirping sounds and we immediately became attached. I also started eating more than just millet and I like to show my little brother around.DSC_5249_zpsa348b6edMy favorite toy is a rope hanging from a coconut that I like to preen, and I love to sleep on the highest perch or sometimes the cuttlebone.DSC_5376_zpsdd6e6738

Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Fred!f3Fred lives in the UK with Jenny and her family.f4 Despite being touted as ‘hand raised’, Fred was pretty scared when he came. I think it’s just his natural disposition. Everything new is worthy of a corn dog pose: standing straight up like he’s got a poker in his bum. But he’s learning to trust me and is finding his bravery.f6He loves his kids. And singing with a YouTube budgie called Banco.fred1Seeds are his passion, lol. At the moment, Fred is refusing to eat his veggies and fruits.f8And his mash, as well.f9(Michelle: I’m sure with persistence, he’ll come around. Who could resist that lovely homemade mash?)f10Fred still doesn’t play with his toys, but he will happily stand on his daisy perch and watch the world go by through the window.f5I wouldn’t say he’s a contented budgie, but life is starting to be more interesting, and he’s becoming more curious than scared as the days go by. I think Fred has done very well for only being here a month.

Cooper’s Cuties

Meet Kacey!kKacey lives in England with Laura.k3 Kacey is 5 months old – she was born 25/7/13.k1She loves to play with her little plastic budgie and treats it like a baby. She also loves her disco ball.k6

Kacey can talk now. She says “Hello” and “baby” and “pretty girl”. She absolutely loves seed and honey sticks as a treat but she won’t touch fruit and veg. She has quite a personality and has bonded with me and won’t entertain anyone else. I suppose she is quite shy.k5 She does love my two shih tzu’s and will watch them chase each other around the room. k4