Adopt a Rescued Bird Month

Ozzie, Alfie and Sido were all adopted from our local rescues and Sunny, Emmy, Gordie, Lera, Felix and Harvey are all rehomed (Craigslist). They have brought so much joy and love into our lives.
If you are thinking of adding a bird to your family, please consider adopting. These birds have so much to give and deserve a second chance at a loving, forever home.

New Toy – January

It’s the “Over the Rainbow” from TheBestBirdToys on Etsy. I ordered it “Naked” (color free option).

I had a hard time getting a clear photo with any of the budgies. They were too busy chipping away at the toy. Here’s Felix about to get started and Cooper making balsa confetti.

In the Spotlight – Felix

Felix is still a feisty fellow. You are as likely to get a kiss as a bite.

Felix pals around with Ozzie (when Ozzie isn’t chasing him away from the females). He loves sinking his beak into balsa and shredding the marshmallows. He feels right at home in Sido’s cage (when she’s not in it). Felix is a very fast flyer – and is usually the first one out of the cage. We love our little Felix – even when he is nippy.

Christmas Haul

Here is the flock with their holiday presents.
Sido did not want her photo taken…

Here is Ozzie – he was brave and started nibbling right away.

Sunny being her usual sweet self.

Emmy is not so sure about this star footie toy.

A nice little pose from Felix.

Cooper is chatting up the marshmallows. Destruction to soon follow.

Sido and the budgies also enjoyed some Christmas millet. It was a lovely holiday.
*The flock wanted me to be sure to thank friends Kelle and John for the marshmallows and Christmas toy. xoxo