Rally Bird

rb1This little on showed up at a game between the Mets and the Rockies. In the eighth inning, Yoenuis Cespedes hit his first home run for the Mets after 47 plate appearances. He was wearing a neon sleeve on his left arm…rb2The budgie became rally bird. Unfortunately it didn’t help them to win the World Series. Maybe if they had given it some millet…

365 Days of Harvey

One year ago today we brought home this little fellow.10And here he is today: hvy15anniYep – he looks as comfortable with the camera as he did a year ago. Harvey still has not stepped up. His previous owners must have really traumatized him. He will put one foot on my finger. But that’s it. I know one day the little light bulb will go off and he’ll step up, so we keep trying.

Harvey loves Lera and they are fun to watch as they groom each other. He’s a good eater and is very chatty when the lights go out. His toenails grow quickly and instead of taking him somewhere to get them clipped, we did it ourselves. He handled it like a champ.

Happy anniversary Harvey – we love you!
